intelligent alerts

Elevate IT Operations with Advanced Alerting and AI

Leverage the power of AI to transform your alerting systems. ServicePilot's cutting-edge technology offers dynamic, efficient, and intelligent solutions, enabling rapid root cause analysis and effective issue resolution.

Efficient and Actionable Alerting with Root Cause Analysis

ServicePilot's Alerting and AI feature revolutionizes the way you handle IT incidents. With our intelligent alerting system, you can quickly identify dependencies and the root cause of issues, reducing the time to resolution.

Our platform provides automated insights with Advanced Machine Learning (ML) algorithms that analyze patterns or anomalies to predict and prevent potential issues.

  • Root Cause Identification: Pinpoint the underlying reasons for alerts, streamlining the troubleshooting process
  • Built-in Alert Thresholds: Out-of-the-box alerting threshold and ML analytics to be informed on important problems
Efficient and Actionable Alerting with <span class='blue'>Root Cause Analysis</span>

Reduce False Positives and Personalize Alerts

Our Alerting features offer a wide range of mechanisms and personalization options to adapt alerting to your specific needs (conditions, delays, automatic actions, dynamic thresholds, specific indicator, resource or site threshold, etc.).

Customizing alert thresholds helps reduce false positives by adapting to your unique IT environment.

  • User-Centric Customization: Personalize alerts based on user role, severity, and preferences to ensure relevant and actionable notifications
  • Escalation and Grouping: Efficiently manage alerts with automatic escalation procedures and grouping of similar alerts to avoid notification fatigue
<span class='blue'>Reduce False Positives</span> and Personalize Alerts

Advanced ML Algorithms and AI-Assisted Analytics

ServicePilot's offline AI-driven analytics leverage sophisticated Machine Learning algorithms and lightweight custom LLM to provide deep insights into your IT operations.

It can leverage automatic ML analysis on KPIs to detect outliers, custom ML monitoring for specific KPI, automated dashboard and data analysis with LLM, Automatic Log Parsing with Monitoring and much more.

  • Proactive Anomaly Detection: Quickly identify unusual patterns in your IT environment, enabling proactive management
  • AIops Data-Driven Decisions: Empower your team with actionable insights derived from comprehensive data analysis, improving operational efficiency
Advanced ML Algorithms and <span class='blue'>AI-Assisted Analytics</span>

Seamless Integration with Third-Party Software

Extend the capabilities of your existing IT processes with ServicePilot's seamless integration. A flexible API is available to connect ServicePilot with a variety of third-party tools, enhancing your IT ecosystem.

Our platform complements your current setup by creating and updating tickets manually/semi-auto/automatically in popular incident management and ticketing systems

  • Incident Management Ecosystem: Synchronize alerts with third-party incident management platforms, ensuring a cohesive response strategy
  • Multiple Notification Channels: Email, SMS, or integrated third-party communication tools for prompt action
Seamless <span class='blue'>Integration</span> with Third-Party Software
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a few clicks

SaaS Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • No on-premise software setup, servicing and configuration complexity
  • Instant setup, complete and pre-configured to ensure robust monitoring

OnPremise Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • Contracts and commitments over time ( > 1 year)
  • Performance, Data Storage and Infrastructure Management
  • 2 additional solutions: VoIP and Mainframe monitoring